8 Ways Collaboration Can Create System-Change

8 Ways Collaboration Can Create System-Change

Written by Helen Hope Kimbrough “To embrace the challenges of our time, we must embrace complexity and work collaboratively across systems of diverse stakeholders, even and especially when the path forward is unclear.”  – David Ehrlichman, author of Impact...
The Moneyball of Social Impact

The Moneyball of Social Impact

This month we are celebrating Next Stage’s ninth anniversary. Nine years?! Are you serious? It astonishes me how much time has passed. And yet in the same breath, it feels like only yesterday I was sitting at my old kitchen table, trying to figure out what it meant to...
Next Stage Wrapped: Top Blog Posts Of 2022

Next Stage Wrapped: Top Blog Posts Of 2022

End of year feels like a great time for celebration – and the perfect time to walk down memory lane. Our team took a deep dive into our content for the year to determine the top ten, most popular blog posts of the last year. We learned that many of you are...
Eight Trends that Will Shape Social Good in 2023

Eight Trends that Will Shape Social Good in 2023

With the end of the year very quickly approaching, the Next Stage team spent a few minutes imagining what 2023 will look like in the world of social good. And like the last few years, we’re predicting continuing change, a greater focus on impact measurement and a...
The Other F-Word: Focus

The Other F-Word: Focus

Written by Haley Rafferty Focus is my 28th strength on StrengthsFinder – out of 34. It feels ironic to me, as Team Success Manager, that something you’d think would be so crucial to my job is the one thing that frustrates me the most about myself. I battle with...
What the Next Stage Team Is Grateful For This Year

What the Next Stage Team Is Grateful For This Year

The Next Stage team is filled with respect and gratitude for the hard work of every person in this community who is striving to build impact through their companies, nonprofits and neighborhood organizations. The work that you do truly does make the world a better...
Second Chances and Removing Labels

Second Chances and Removing Labels

Written By Helen Hope Kimbrough “The Power to label is the power to destroy.” -Allen Frances As the Director of Community Engagement at Next Stage, I frequently have the opportunity to sit down with people from a variety of backgrounds across our community. A...
The Path Ahead for Next Stage

The Path Ahead for Next Stage

Where has the year gone? Can you believe it’s already mid-October? After a couple of years that felt like time stood still as we struggled through the pandemic and remote working, 2022 has flown by for the Next Stage team. We have had our sleeves rolled up working...