Introducing Anamaria

The Next Stage team is thrilled to introduce Anamaria Zgimbau – our newest member of the team serving as our summer Community Voice Fellow.

Anamaria, a rising junior at Davidson College, is majoring in Sociology and Political Science. Originally from Dorohoi, Romania, Anamaria developed a passion for social good in high school while volunteering with various local and international nonprofit organizations. Before coming to Davidson, Anamaria took a gap year dedicated to community service for a local after-school program for elementary students from low-income backgrounds. When not in school, work or a meeting for one of the campus organizations she is involved with, she enjoys spending time with friends, reading, and traveling.

When she’s not home in Romania, Anamaria misses her family and childhood friends, her two cats (Sunny and Prince) and the food (especially the desserts and baked goods). Anamaria is grateful for her college friends, the beautiful campus of her university and the cultural diversity in the U.S.

She is excited to join Next Stage this summer for her first internship to learn more about the world of social good organizations and explore the possibility of a future career in this field. She looks forward to learning more about all the different aspects of the work that Next Stage does in the fields of social good and social innovation from the organization’s amazing team. Anamaria also hopes to develop her skills to be able to make a positive impact in her work and the communities she is a part of.

Join us in welcoming Anamaria!