So, You Want to be on a Board?

So, You Want to be on a Board?

As a member of the Next Stage team and experienced board member, I often receive inquiries about how to become a part of a board. How do you find a good fit and learn the right tools? Today’s blog is all about my own journey with boards, along with some tips on...
An Argument for Trust-Based Philanthropy

An Argument for Trust-Based Philanthropy

Last week we did a thing – we announced The UnFundable Project, an opportunity for a Mecklenburg County nonprofit to receive a $10,000 allocation from Next Stage for a project “that would typically struggle to receive investment in a traditional grantmaking process.”...
Walk a Mile in My Shoes: Embrace Empathy

Walk a Mile in My Shoes: Embrace Empathy

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” – Harper Lee “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” is a timeless expression that carries a strong sentiment – don’t judge me – you...
Is your brand ready for Thought Leadership?

Is your brand ready for Thought Leadership?

When Next Stage does strategic marketing work, we recommend that nonprofits share their expertise and elevate their brand by leaning into Thought Leadership. Leaders often feel excited by this recommendation – and completely overwhelmed.  Some fear that content...
We interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming…

We interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming…

The Seven Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being by Josh Jacobson Frankly, sometimes I feel burdened by my calling. It would be so much easier to develop a simple approach to our work at Next Stage and just put it all on cruise control. Why work so hard? I feel...