Next Stage’s 5-Part Series on Community Voice is Back for Round 2!

After publishing Inside-Out: The Case for Community Voice in October 2023, Next Stage recognized the need to create a platform where we could discuss findings from the latest trends and comparative research, as well as share key takeaways from our team’s experiences engaging with our clients. That’s why during Q2 of 2024, we launched an incredible series of webinars dedicated solely to “Community Voice.” We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished during this initial phase and are excited to announce the return of this webinar series for Q3.

Before we dive in, let’s take a moment to level set and define “Community Voice.” 

Community Voice is a representation of diverse voices that must be heard, understood, and validated. It’s a two-way approach geared toward listening, building trust as an asset, embracing transparent communication, and moving change-worthy initiatives forward together. 

In this five-part series, Next Stage CEO Josh Jacobson and I will discuss key data points gathered from our first-round participants, as well as share specific insights on how you can leverage Community Voice to further your organization’s goals. Read on to learn more about this free webinar series!

#1 Voices Matter: Building and Cultivating Trust Through Community Voice

The needs of our neighbors are greater than ever, but confidence in America’s once-most-trusted public systems is at an all-time low. So how can social good leaders cultivate trust and invest in relationships that can ultimately fuel transformational change? In this first webinar in the series, we’ll explore:

  • How Community Voice can bolster programming, referral pipelines, and messaging
  • Practical steps that move beyond surveys and into effective relationship-building
  • Areas of relational strength within an organizational construct, focusing on identifying opportunities for increased impact

This free webinar will run July 11 at 11:00 am ET. Register here!

#2 Programming & Community Voice: Strengthening Nonprofit Effectiveness

Service providers are challenged by fewer people seeking their services than ever before. While many nonprofits hoped the downturn was a temporary byproduct of the pandemic, it appears to be attributable to something else entirely: a lack of trust. In this webinar, we’ll cover:

  • Ways listening to Community Voice aids in evaluating program efficacy
  • Opportunities to increase constituent acquisition and identify methods for deepened engagement
  • Strategies for growing and sustaining peer engagement

This free webinar will run July 25 at 11:00 am ET. Register here!

#3 Marketing & Community Voice: Communicating with Authenticity

Nonprofits and community leaders know they’re doing meaningful and impactful work, but sometimes the messaging gets lost in the shuffle. So how can mission-driven organizations cut through the noise and communicate clearly and authentically? In this session, we’ll unpack:

  • The importance of understanding personas
  • Community Voice’s key role in marketing and campaign effectiveness
  • The value of sharing lived experiences and crafting asset-based storytelling to inspire action

This free webinar will run August 8 at 11:00 am ET. Register here!

#4 Human Resources & Community Voice: Listening to Your Employees

Did you know there’s a wealth of untapped wisdom in your building? It’s your staff! Engaging and genuinely listening to your team members — especially those most proximate to the heart of the work — can offer meaningful insights to amplify your organization’s mission. That’s why in this session, we delve into how to bridge the communication gap between management and frontline workers. Specifically, we’ll explore: 

  • Why listening to employees is crucial for effective HR
  • The value of frontline insights and storytelling
  • How to implement a feedback process to foster a positive workplace culture

This free webinar will run August 22 at 11:00 am ET. Register here!

#5 Advocacy & Community Voice: Building a Movement of People

The topic of this final session is a poignant one — advocacy. Leading a movement requires organizations to drive systemic changes, which is no small task. But by leveraging Community Voice, nonprofits and mission-driven organizations can fuel effective and sustainable efforts to achieve needed change. In this fifth webinar, we’ll examine:

  • How to integrate advocacy efforts into your nonprofit
  • Why utilizing community insights can drive change
  • Strategies for building a movement of people

This free webinar will run September 18 at 11:00 am ET. Register here!

Although Community Voice is found within the broader community and organizational structures at large, we believe for these efforts to be truly effective there must also be an internal mindset shift. Through our series, we invite you to recognize your unique journey in this learning process — one that’s centered on vulnerability and self-examination. Doing so can bring forth a fresh perspective toward decision-making and movement-building to help bolster your organization’s efforts in the near term and for years to come. 

To attend Next Stage’s Community Voice webinar series, register here. See you there!