Trust in US systems is at an all-time low.  We know the needs of our communities are greater than ever before, but faith in institutions such as government, nonprofits, the education and justice systems and media are lower than ever before. Many of us are feeling the effects of this every day in both our personal and professional lives. 

As a social good leader, how are you cultivating trust in this rapidly changing environment?

Next Stage is excited to shed some light on this very issue as we release our newest report:

Inside Out: The Case for Community Voice

Community Voice is about listening to the voices of individuals and prioritizing lived experience. It is a critical activity for social good organizations and leaders – but how do we do this with authenticity and meaningful results? 

Inside-Out: The Case for Community Voice will break down:

  • The history of Community Voice – and why it’s more critical than ever before
  • How Community Voice can bolster your programming and referral pipelines
  • Practical steps that move beyond surveys and into effective relationship-building

Community Voice is about equitable resources and investment – because cultivating authentic relationships can lead to transformational change. Download the report to learn how centering the voices of stakeholders can build more equitable organizations and communities where everyone can thrive.