by Josh Jacobson Happy New Year! Can I still say that? I heard someone say that wishing someone a happy new year is valid until January 8, and then no longer. So looking at the calendar… it counts. Just barely. Did you have a great holiday break? Was it really a...
Our Firm’s Next Stage
by Josh Jacobson We are proud to announce that our firm is rebranding… err, sort of… Going forward, we will be known simply as Next Stage, dropping the word Consulting. Our new(ish) logo is above. In truth, I never thought I would become a consultant. When I moved to...
Blue Chip Organizations (The Community Social Impact Portfolio)
by Josh Jacobson The Glass is Half Empty: My Humble Beginnings with the Blue Chips When I launched Next Stage in late 2013, the stated goal was to work with “small-to-midsize organizations” looking to “get to the next stage.” The reason for this focus was as much a...
Imported Organizations (The Community Social Impact Portfolio)
by Caylin Viales “Importing” nonprofit organizations can be a tricky thing to talk about. In fact, I don’t even really like using the word “importing” to describe nonprofit scale. It evokes a mental picture of a cargo ship stacked with hundreds of identical shipping...
Niche Organizations (The Community Social Impact Portfolio)
by Josh Jacobson The alternative title of this post could be “Sustainable Growth – Is It an Oxymoron?” (Answer: No, but it ain’t easy.) A lesson learned early in my consulting career came in the form of a longtime board member for a stable, no-frills human services...
The Community Social Impact Portfolio
by Josh Jacobson This post launches a weekly series through mid-September outlining a new way to think about stewarding nonprofits in the Charlotte region – the Community Social Impact Portfolio. A couple years ago, I decided to try my hand at investing. My wife and I...