by Josh Jacobson

Alright everyone, it’s March already. Does it feel like 2020 is flying by? It sure does for us!

As we plan to spring forward this Sunday (don’t forget about daylight saving time), the team at Next Stage pondered some of the items we see prioritized at the start of the fiscal year for so many nonprofits that tend to fall off as time goes on.

We want to help you keep your resolutions. A couple of the topics we’re covering this month include:

  • Building a spring cleaning checklist – Since time seems to be moving at such a rapid pace for so many social do-gooders, we probably need to be extra intentional about our to-do lists. What aren’t we doing is probably the best question a nonprofit leader can ask at this time of year. We’ll unpack some thoughts.
  • Where are the young nonprofit professionals? – Before too long, the end of the fiscal year will be upon us for so many June 30’ers out there, and that will come with it the annual musical chairs of staff turnover. Sourcing emerging professionals likely to stick around for a while is a subject our team will be tackling.
  • Making the best of event season – FFTC’s annual meeting on March 25 is the unofficial start of nonprofit event season (yay?), so we ask ourselves – can our events do more than raise money? If you’re wondering how to keep your organization’s case for support front and center at your next event, we’ve got some thoughts.
  • Living your values everyday – Do your constituents believe what you’re saying? Oof! Did a shiver just run down your spine? Yes, it’s a real question we need to be considering at a time when facts can sometimes be a little fuzzy for so many. Our value-centered consultants will share some best practices for putting values into practice.

Tempus fugit, people! Let’s maximize our time and be as effective as we can be. I believe in you!